Senior Phase
Following our creative and innovative Broad General Education (BGE), our Senior Phase pupils continue to develop their skills for learning, life and work through accredited qualifications and awards by The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). We offer a wide range of National and Personal Achievement Awards while maintaining a focus on Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. Our learners are supported by their family and staff to make their choices. Building on their interests we develop a bespoke curriculum preparing them for life beyond school.
As with our Broad General Education, our Senior Phase is designed by our multidisciplinary team, using their wide expertise to create content that has a focus on enabling their independence skills.
We are currently in the process of developing a unique learning environment for Senior Phase pupils that will be state of the art in design with the latest technology to fully support the enablement of their independence.
Through our partnership with New College Lanarkshire, our pupils can access the Partnership School Link Programme.
The Partnership Link aims to:
promote social interaction
offer learners a range of learning experiences
contribute to the process of planning post school options
enable learners to access an inclusive education environment
increase learner’s confidence
provide a differentiated range of educational opportunities
stimulate educational, leisure and vocational interests
promote independence, self-awareness and self esteem
enable learners to experience success
Our pupils are also able to work towards the Duke of Edinburgh Award. We are committed to the mission and purpose of this Award in that it is designed to ‘inspire, guide and support young people in their self-development and recognise their achievement’ and its guiding principles:
Demands Commitment
Achievable by all
Personal Development
Achievement focussed
We are confident that tailoring our Senior Phase to the needs and aspirations of our Senior Phase pupils will provide the ambitious learning experiences they need to thrive and achieve better outcomes.